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Beware of Black Helicopter Vultures!+The Real Bloodbath Coming!+More!
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Published 2 months ago

Alex Jones has been working 24/7 for three decades to warn the American people exactly the reality we are experiencing today. The signs of totalitarianism were there from day one. This has never been a game. This has never been anything other than what it truly is. Alex Jones and Infowars need the support of patriots now more than ever. Next The Democrat Party's main opponent utters a word that can be used against them and the chum is then thrown into the political waters. The CIA media sharks surround the opponent in a feeding frenzy, tearing at it from all angles. In this instance utilizing Donald Trump's use of the word "bloodbath". Trump had actually used the word to describe the outsourcing of American jobs. Democrats and the CIA media twisted the meaning into a fantastical nightmare of bloodthirsty insurrection. As the American people are intentionally distracted, a true bloodbath ensues as their country is destroyed from within and they are randomly impoverished and murdered lead by the creeping lawfare and policies of the left. While the Democrat Party and sections of the Republican Party achieve one party rule and usher in a totalitarian state. This is the real bloodbath. Then Listen to Justice Ketanji Onyika Brown Jackson call for limiting the first amendment- Alex Jones responds to her tyrannical statements. Then Diverse Supreme Court Can’t Decide Whether The Government Censoring Social Media Violates The First Amendment. Then Obama Judge Says Illegal Aliens Can Buy And Own Guns, Alex Jones Exposes The Truth. Then GET THIS: Homeowner Gets Arrested When Squatter Calls The Cops. Then Breanna Morello is the host of the Breanna Morello Show over on Rumble. She’s with us today to discuss how public health is affected by the diseases illegal immigrants are bringing to America. Then Feds Charge MAGA Babe Isabella DeLuca For Touching A Table On Jan. 6. And finally This Economist Warns Of Imminent Bank Runs And How The FDIC Doesn’t Have Your Money Insured.

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trumpbeware of black helicopter vulturesthe real bloodbath coming

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