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In the sentiment of Karl Marx: “Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion.” -- Antonio Guterres is ‘outraged’ at citizens valuing independence
Published 4 months ago

Sky News host Rowan Dean says United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is “outraged” at citizens valuing their independence. Mr Dean also calls the UN Secretary-General the “Head Kommissar of the United Socialist Nations” after he spoke at a press conference saying future generations can’t survive with the societal infrastructure which exists now. “Poor old unelected Guterres is upset that there are countries and citizens out there who value their own independence and political agency and there are companies out there who still believe that their job is to make a profit,” Mr Dean said. “Translated from the original communist manifesto, what Guterres basically is saying ‘let's scrap capitalism and democracy’ that have been so effective, and impose socialist authoritarianism, which has been a disaster, which is built on surveillance and compliance and authoritarianism in the name of fighting climate change and mysterious pandemics. “Thus, as has been the case every year recently, much of the chat at Davos from bankers and woke business elites and socialists was around the tantalising introduction of digital passports and digital currencies.”

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