Vaxxed United Airlines captain suddenly becomes incapacitated shortly before landing
571 views • 04/27/2023

APRIL 4, 2023. The captain of United Airlines flight 2102 landing in San Francisco Airport suddenly had a medical emergency and became incapacitated. The first officer had to land the plane single-handed.

I was unable to find any more information about this incident despite searching with multiple search engines, multiple queries, and restricting the search results to the past month.

United Airlines had (has?) a strict COVID 'vaccine' mandate for all its employees. Regular testing was not allowed as a substitute. United's CEO Scott Kirby said in an interview that the decision was made for safety reasons. The jab was supposed to reduce the chance of COVID death by 300x.

Not only is this a complete fabrication, but...

1. Pilots have no significant absolute risk of COVID in the first place, so the relative risk reduction is irrelevant

2. COVID is not a sudden disease which could compromise safety, but vaxx side-effects can definitely be. If a pilot is sick with COVID, (s)he definitely won't be flying a plane and putting the public at risk. However, if they are about to have a sudden, unexpected vaxx side-effect, they definitely might be flying a plane and putting the public at risk.

3. The strongest argument for a mandate was that it would protect others, however...
3a. If you are vaxxed and the jab is effective, why would you require someone else to also get vaxxed in order to protect you?
3b. There has never even been a signal, let alone adequate scientific proof, that 'vaccination' protects others. In fact, the earliest data from Israel already showed that, if anything, injection puts others at MORE risk, not less.

4. FAA rules (at least before the world went bat shit crazy) forbid pilots to use any vaccine/medication that has not been fully approved for more than at least one year. The COVID 'vaccines' had not been fully approved (only emergency approval) and definitely not for at least 1 year. If use of an experimental product isn't allowed, mandating such a product should of course be completely out of the question.

5. The Nuremberg Code forbids any forced medication. There can be no doubt that No jab, no jab is force.


Southwest pilot fainted shortly after take-off. 6 pilots incapacitated in past 2 weeks!!!

British Airways pilot collapses, dies shortly before he was due to captain a packed passenger jet


Captain became INCAPACITATED on Landing at San Francisco. United Airlines A319. REAL ATC

Employee vaccine mandate is ‘about saving lives,’ United Airlines CEO Kirby says | PBS

Mirrored - frankploegman

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