Somewhere in Time - Superman Lover's Chicken Lips Kiss Ritual - Part 12: Piano Stargates in Media
97 views • 07/07/2022

If you've been accompanying us on this adventure of exploring the piano-stargate ritual media, in this installment you'll discover more of the reasons why, Somewhere-666 in Time, has received so much of our attention!

Have you seen the film recently? There's a secret chicken joke that must be an inside joke among the filmmakers. This "fowl" bit factors into the esoteric ritual in two ways!

The role of the piano in, Somewhere in Time, has been subtle, but the instrument has had enough of a presence to warrant its inclusion in this series. We deem this classic to be significant enough as a ritual magic production to warrant being easter-egged in the 1993 classic, Groundhog Day, and also in The Lake House, from 2006. You'll see how the latter was done later in this video.

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For collateral study: Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

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