Breaking free from the hypno television ~ stop believing sweet little lies ~
40 views • 2 months ago

in today's discussion we will talk about the hypno television and why you should not be watching television. we will also talk about the most deceptive programs and programing that is on television, which is, but are not limited to: CNN, FOX, MSNBC, horror movies, anti-christian & satanic programs that call their selves christian, and other brainwash programs that are void of morality. finally, we will be sharing the latest episode of the highwire episode 392 cereal killer.

talking points:

- stop watching television (one eyed box)

  - subliminal programming

  - racial division, political propaganda, & fear mongering

  - anti-christ programming (fake christianity & in your face satanism)

- share episode 392 cereal killer


- omicron hidden message (nys-tv)

- Midnight Ride: Mark of the Beast - The Number of a Man

- highwire episode 392 cereal killer

- nazi ss (the first misinformation police)



- ww2 news journalist Dorothy Thompson that defied the censorship

- david icke (the revealed)

- ttac

- ttav

- covid 19: great reset

- behold a pale horse

- Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill

- Creature from Jeckyll Island

- Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & Mind Control - Fritz Springmeier

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