Preparing For The Mark
118 views • 11/25/2023

How are Christians supposed to prepare for the Mark of the Beast? Jesus only had three and a half years to select and prepare his disciples for the onslaught that would occur when they presented the Gospel to the world.

He knew that a large percentage of His followers would be arrested, beaten, imprisoned and some would even be killed. Instead of trying to protect them, Jesus gave the order to attack the kingdom of Satan and preach the Gospel at any cost.

Two thousand years later the struggle still continues as the devil's followers are preparing to introduce their Antichrist to the world. Do you love Jesus more than yourself? Do you have a burden for the lost? What is your plan for the Tribulation time? You will have two choices when the Antichrist comes to power: take the Mark of the Beast so that you can live a little longer on earth and be damned for eternity or refuse to take the Mark and get an early trip to heaven!

The Mark of the Beast is coming, and if you follow the simple program set up by Jesus, you too can have victory in these last days. Be prepared so that when push comes to shove, you will be a spirit-filled Christian operating in the supernatural that boldly proclaims the Gospel and attacks the Antichrist régime.

Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1312 -- OCTOBER 16, 2011

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