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or by calling 877-410-1414 🗓️ Are you worried about the recent financial turmoil and looking for ways to secure your assets? Our expert Gold & Silver analysts have 27+ years of experience and can help you develop customized strategies to safeguard your assets. Click the link above ☝️ to schedule a time that works best for you. 🆓 GET A FREE GUIDE ON HOW TO BUY GOLD AND SILVER: Download Now: https://learn.itmtrading.com/buyers-guide-yt?VID=DD7202023
Take the first step towards financial security by downloading the free guide above on how to buy gold and silver. It's a comprehensive resource that will help you understand the benefits of precious metal investments and how to get started. 🗣️ DON'T MISS THIS VIDEOS IMPORTANT INFORMATION The banking system is in the process of changing. And if you don't pay attention to these changes, you will be absolutely blind sighted when the outcome is in your face. I'm about to expose the complete illusion of the Fed stress test and guess what? 23 banks that participated will cost. I'm going to show you what they are not taking into account because they are now allowing money to come out of both the banks and the corporation. And the banks are corporations, after all. Which means that in this next upcoming crisis, they're going to be dependent on taxpayer bailouts. The ratio of liquid assets to deposits in the banking sector has declined six straight months. It's time people wake up and see what's happening. 📖
CHAPTERS: 0:00 Banking Is Changing
1:43 Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste
4:09 Quarterly Net Income
6:56 Lenders Ace Stress Test
9:00 Quarterly Change In Deposits
14:13 Sheila Blair - Stress Test
20:54 Bank Loan Losses
22:30 Financial System Is Fragile
29:32 SVB Painful Lesson
33:29 ITM Client Story
- New Banking Products? 📑 TO SEE LYNETTE'S SLIDES, RESEARCH LINKS OR QUESTIONS FROM THIS VIDEO: https://www.itmtrading.com/blog/ 👋 STAY IN TOUCH WITH US 🟩 Schedule a Strategy Session: 877-410-1414 🟩 Email us at [email protected] 🟩 Official Homepage www.itmtrading.com 🟩 Videos & Research www.ITMTrading.com/Blog 🟩 Listen On The Go: https://anchor.fm/itmtrading 🟩 Beyond Gold & Silver: / beyondgoldsilver 🟩 Thrivers Community: https://www.thriverscommunity.com/ 🟩 ITM's Twitter: https://twitter.com/itmtrading 🟩 Lynette's Twitter: https://twitter.com/itmtrading_zang 🟩 Facebook: https://facebook.com/ITMTrading 🚨 BEWARE OF SCAMMERS Accounts are impersonating ITM Trading in the comments. Our comments will have a distinguishable verified symbol. Please beware, we will never message you asking you to give us money or talk to us on other platforms such as WhatsApp. This is our only YouTube channel. Call us today to schedule your first strategy session: 877-410-1414. ITM Trading Inc. © Copyright, 1995 - 2023 All Rights Reserved.