President Trump Calls on Congress to Release Biden Crime Family's Tax Returns
128 views • 12/24/2022

The Gateway Pundit: The Democrats fought to obtain President Trump’s taxes for years. This was not because President Trump committed any crime. It was because Democrats wanted to dig through his returns to possibly find something they could use as fodder for their next attack.

The Democrats released Trump’s tax returns and what was expected to be a monumental takedown of the 45th President ended up being another reason to support the man.

Trump’s personal wealth declined after he entered public office. In fact, Trump may be the first prominent politician in history to see his income decline after entering office.

Trump lost $2 billion while serving as president.

On Friday Steve Bannon played a video President Trump released on his tax returns. Trump called on the GOP Congress to release the Biden Crime Family’s tax returns.

Turnabout is fair play.

This was an INCREDIBLE statement by President Trump.


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