Climate Emergency | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "We Have Seen the Current Pope Making Some Very Helpful Statements (About Climate Change)?"
80 views • 07/26/2022

Weather Modification | Why Is China Developing High-Tech Satellites to Control Weather?

FACT #1 - What Is HAARP?
HAARP is The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

FACT #2 -Why Did the Airforce Produce a Report Titled “Weather As a Force Multiplier Owning the Weather In 2025?

FACT #3 -Why Did the European Parliament Categorize HAARP As a Weapon? “In Parliament’s report of 14 January 1999 on the environment, security and foreign policy it was characterized as a weapons system which disrupts the climate. Considerable concerns were raised as to its legality under international law, its far-reaching impact on the environment and its ecological and ethical implications, which should be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.”

FACT #4 -Why Does HAARP’s Patents 468-6605 Claim the Following Uses?
Patent 4686605 claims the following uses.
“cause total disruption of all forms of communications over a very large portion of the Earth”
“missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, or confusion”
“weather modification by altering solar absorption”
“also altering composition of the atmosphere”

FACT #5 -Why Is HAARP Funded by the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy?
What Does HAARP Claim to Do?
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere. "The ionosphere stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles above Earth's surface, right at the edge of space. Along with the neutral upper atmosphere, the ionosphere forms the boundary between Earth's lower atmosphere — where we live and breathe — and the vacuum of space."
Why Is HAARP the Most Powerful Ionosphere Heater on Earth?

FACT #6 - Why Does HAARP Need to Be Able to Generate 5.1 Gigawatts of Radio Frequency Energy? The primary instrument at the HAARP facility is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power 180-antenna strong phased array transmitter that can transmit between 2.7 MHz and 10 MHz at a maximum effected radiated power (ERP) of 5.1 Gigawatts, or 97.1 dBW. The waveforms found by shortwave listeners from HAARP all came from the IRI. -

FACT #7 - Reported December 2021 - How Did China Change the Weather to Clear skies for Beijing Centenary Celebration? WATCH - FRANCE 24 - Dec 10, 2021-

FACT #8 -Read More: Why Did China Declare That They Have Expanded Their Weather Modification Program to Cover An Area Larger Than India?

FACT #9 -Why Is China Developing High-Tech Satellites to Control Weather?

FACT #10 -A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong? -

FACT #11 -What If the Weather Was Modified At Scale?

FACT #12 -The UnxPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World's Military (Season 1) | History -

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