(5) How We Got Here - Breitbart, Bannon and Trump What Is Propaganda?
110 views • 03/07/2021
This is Episode 5 in a series. Check out prior episodes for the full story. This episode digs into the role of propaganda in our society. The argument is, that once you see Propaganda and become aware of what it is, you will start to see it EVERYWHERE.

Andrew Breitbart was an early seer of all things propaganda. His brash style of in your face journalism started to wake up America. He died of a heart attack at age 42 (and the coroner that looked into his case died of arsenic poisoning shortly after) but his ideas and message lived on in Steve Bannon and eventually Trump.

From Nazi Germany on to your local evening news, we as Americans are being lied to, spun, manipulated, and told what to think at every turn.

Not any more! This segment is so critical in helping you realize that we are being played. Time to wake up and see the shadows on the cave for what they are....not real.
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