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NWO TEIL 6 / 8 SD -PART 2- IllUmiNati Neue Weltordnung New World Order
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NWO TEIL 6 / 8 -PART 1- SD IllUmiNati Neue Weltordnung New World Order

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Angela Merkel, Donald Trump, George W. Busch, George Busch Senior, Prescott Bush, George Soros, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Familie Warburg, William Donaldson, Marina Abramovic, David Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jefrey Epstein, Madonna, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Demi Moore, Jeffrey Lawrence Bewkes, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Gerhard Schröder, Jens Spahn, Albert Pike, Baron Rothschild, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Jacob Schiff, Hans-Christian Boos, Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, Kurt Lewin, George Orwell 1984, Queen Elizabeth 2, Benjamin Netanjahu, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Eric Garcetti, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Osama BinLaden, Muammar al-Gaddafi, Fidel Castro, Greta Thunberg, Barack Hussein Obama...

United Nations, UN-NWO, Vereinte Nationen, WHO, UNICEF, PUN, Zionisten, Juden, NASA, Geheimgesellschaften, Deep State, Neue Weltordnung, New World Order, Die Achse des Bösen, (Axis of Evil ) (False Flag Operation) Lügenpresse, Futures Strategic Issues/Future Warface, Klimaschwindel, Klimalügen, Chemtrails, Hollywood MK-Ultra, Monarch Programmierung, Terror, Krieg, Al Quaida, 9/11, Vietnam Krieg, 2. Weltkrieg, Holocaust Lügen, Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion, Federal Reserve, Börse, Weiße Haus (White House), Militär, Banker, CIA, Presse, U.S. Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof), Caduceus, Kabala. Hexerei und Magie, Okkulte Musikindustrie, Satanismus, Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Diktatur, Polizei Staat, Covid-19 Lüge, Opiumhandel, Britische Krone, Welt-Regierung, Globalismus, Anti Weiß Agenda, ADL Dr. John Coleman, CIA Libary, Educate-Yourself, London Wellington House, Skandale in der Regierung, „Terrorismus“, NATO, Black Lives Matter BLM, Verschwörung, Vers hwörungstheorie, Prof Dr. Walter Veith, Plandemie, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, Agenda 21, 2030, ID 2020, Biometrischer RFID Chip, Blockchain Microsoft, Wikilügia, 33 Grad Freimaurer, MC Mind Control, Faschismus, YouTube Zensur, Syrien Krieg, Codex Alimentarius, Monsanto, Bayer, BASF, IG Farben, Standard Oil Company, Rockefeller Hughes Corporation, Covid Tracing, DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, Brüssel Nato Hauptquartier, City of London, Antisemitismus, Solidarität, Kalergie Plan, Schweinegrippe, Amazon, Gleichschaltung, Illuminati Eid...

Geheimgesellschaften: Illuminati, Freimaurer, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) NSA (National Security Agency), Skull & Bones (Ortsgruppe 322 ), Jason-Society, Book and Snake (Secret Society), Die Bilderberger (The Bilderberg Group), Club of Rome, The Round Table, CFR - the Council on Foreign Relations, European Council on Foreign Relations, Die Trilaterale Kommission (The Trilateral Commission), Trilateralen Nationen, Das Komitee der 300 (Olympier), Das Komitee der 100, Das Komitee der 500, Schwarzen Adel, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, 13 Blutlinien, B’nai B’rith, Rat der 33, Der Rat der 13, RT Rothschild...

Non-Profit Institutionen:
Economic Club Washington D.C., Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, The Pacific Council on International Policy...

DPA (Deutsche Presse-Agentur) oder AP (Associated Press), Reuters, ARD Tagesschau, ZDF, ABC NEWS, CNN, COMCAST, NBC, SPIEGEL, TIMES, Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, CBS, Dreamworks, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros, Universal, Weinstein Company, Pixar, Animations, Lionsgate, MGM, HBO, CBS News, MSNBC, Nickelodeon, FOX News, Washington Post, Springer Verlag, BILD, The New York Times, New York Post, Cosmopolitan, The Guardian, Hufpost, The Economist, The Atlantic News...

Freimaurertempel Washington DC. -House of the Temple-, Statue Prometheus, Rockefeller Center, Comcast Building, NWO Symbolik, GE General Electric Building in New York, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup und Wells Fargo, Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch / Shell, BP Amoco und Chevron Texaco), Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, Federal Reserve System 1913, Deborah Tavares,, Illuminati Schriften, 13 satanische Blutlinien der Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier ( The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines), Turm zu Babel, Totalitarismus,, Baroness de Rothschild, Illuminati Ball, Rotschild Merchan Banking, IG Group Holdings, BlackRock Investment Management, 9/11 Commission, US Congress USA, 17 UN Goals, UN Ziele...

Produktionsjahr: August-Oktober 2020

Sprecherin Freiheitsliebende Julina

Illuminati-News TV

Illuminati,NWO,United Nations
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