Fr. Michel Rodrigue Has Received Prophetic Knowledge of the Future of the Church and the World
83 views • 05/15/2022
This is a video I downloaded in 2020. It fits with Catholic prophecy and current events. Fr. Michel Rodrigue is a Priest, Exorcist, Founder and Superior General of The Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre (founded in 2012). This video was made in Quebec, Canada.

Jan 31, 2022 update from a man that spent several hours with Fr. Michel:
Fr. Michel presented as a humble man, no airs, no judgement, he was kind, curious and reverent.

At the time of the Illumination [of Conscience] those who say 'yes' to God will be healed from the "v" [that is injected into the body]. Priests are to give the Sacrament of Reconciliation to those who repent of taking the "v", and when the time comes for the refuges they will be healed of any side effects. [We can't say the "v" word for fear of search engine punishment].

Masks are a masquerade, they cover up the truth and prevent truth from being proclaimed. The Church cannot allow itself to fall in line with/under civil authorities. The spirit of compromise is what has prevented priests from standing up for the truth. They need to fight against masks and all that hinders the sacraments ... and Fr. Michel believes the masks hinder this.

He says it is the Holy Family that is taking care of everything.

He told me the story of the angel's visit to him to direct him to buy all of the supplies in advance [of building his monastary] by Jan 4, 2021. He encouraged his contractors to do the same for their business. Fr. Michel saved $350,000 doing this. His plumber was amazed at how this helped his business also.

He talked about the images in the Sun in Fatima and how there will soon be a similar phenomenon with a great 'shaking' of the sun, followed by a [global vision] of St Joseph holding Jesus, then Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (protection of refuges) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (her triumph begins to unfold).

After the illumination we will have 40 days and the refuges will begin. We need 3 months worth of food as all Catholics will be a temporary refuge until everyone gets to the permanent refuge.

more info at the following links: - includes update from October 2021 and the above update from 2022.

Catholic Timeline of Events:

Virtual retreat with Fr. Michel Rodrigue (several web pages)
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