Blue-Truth Documentary: A Deep-Dive into The Vaxxed Mac Address Phenomena
3013 views • 08/18/2022

The evidence clearly indicates the vaxxed have already been chipped. And there's an easy way to prove it.

Mihai Grigoriu

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MAC Address Lookup

The CV-19 Jab is proven to chip those injected with it. This is to say like an antenna, most commonly the injection site emits a MAC code signal that can be detected with an ordinary phone equipped with Bluetooth. At the same time the Jab injection site becomes magnetic and a magnet will stick to the skin.

This documentary / experiment is carried out with volunteers some Jabbed and some unjabbed. The location is deep into an isolated mountain region where there is little or no electro magnetic interferences from frequencies. Some remarkable discoveries are found.

Watch to the end when an un jabbed volunteer emits a bluetooth signal as if they were jabbed when they were not. Some theories are suggested as to how this could come about, use your imagination and see what you think.

Source : DuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel

Thanks to LavaFox for Tip

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