Become an American State National. 1779 Declaration. 2 ACTION Steps in Notes.
146 views • 03/08/2023

The One Page 1779 Declaration Process - Anna Von Reitz

"Get started on your way to becoming an American State National."

ACTION STEP 1. Know who you are.

"I am a free, sovereign, unincorporated, living [man] [woman]. I am NOT a corporate entity. I am NOT an employee of a federal Corporation. I am NOT a dependent of a federal Corporation. I am NOT the property, employee or dependent of any corporate system."

ACTION STEP 2. Correct Your Status to American State National with the:

a.) 1779 One Page Declaration Forms and Instructions (Scroll halfway down):

1779 Instructions:

b.) Publish publicly with an American State National organization.

"American State Nationals owe no obligation or duty to serve the government; the government owes them all duty and obligation. Other than keeping the peace and not damaging people or property, American State Nationals are truly free and in possession of all their Natural and Unalienable Rights." ~ Anna Von Rietz

FULL Details at:

FULL SHOW: SGT Report. Is this our last chance to restore the republic? Anna Von Reitz

COMMON LAW FLAG: The forgotten flag. The "Common Law" flag became the flag of the American Revolutionaries. "Two versions of the U.S. flag are created. One with vertical stripes (common law flag) for peace time and one with horizontal stripes (corporate law flag) is designed for times of war."

"Novation, in contract law and business law, is the act of replacing an obligation to perform with another obligation; or. adding an obligation to perform; or. replacing a party to an agreement with a new party." ~ Wikipedia


More about Anna Von Reitz:

State Nationals United on Odysee:

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