† Allied Vengeance: Genocide of Germans at Rhine Meadows Death Camps (Rheinwiesenlager)
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Following World War II, the imprisonment of German POWs in the Rheinwiesenlager camps violated international agreements outlined in the Hague Conventions. Article 20 of the 1907 Hague Convention mandated the prompt repatriation of POWs after the conclusion of peace to reduce the burden on the detaining power and prevent unnecessary hardship. Despite Germany's surrender on May 8, 1945, the Allies established the Rheinwiesenlager camps where conditions were harsh, with inadequate shelter, food, and medical care. This treatment starkly contrasted the humane conditions mandated by the Hague Conventions, underscoring the unjustifiable nature of their continued imprisonment post-conflict. The prolonged detention and harsh conditions faced by German POWs have been subjects of significant historical debate and criticism. The process of repatriating German POWs was delayed for extended periods to support reconstruction efforts, with some prisoners held until 1949, especially in the Soviet Union. These actions were a clear violations of the Hague Conventions, which stipulated the prompt release and repatriation of POWs. Understanding these violations is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of WWII and its aftermath, contributing to a more balanced historical record.

SEE ALSO: The Vindictive Jew: Germany Must Perish (Morgenthau Plan & Nord Stream II Attack)

Eyewitness Testimony of Eisenhowers Death Camps for German Soldiers


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney and Author:

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• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC

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