"This Is an Urgent Time"
62 views • 03/22/2021
When the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke these words in 1988, U.S. intervention saw the Soviet-Afghanistan war end, Al Qaeda was formed, and in the Persian Gulf, the largest U.S. military operations since World War 2 ended the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Iraq_War.) Read about the U.S. intervention in these Middle East wars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Earnest_Will and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet–Afghan_War​.)

On December 2, 1988, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke these prophetic words: " You all want your heaven on earth. You want your peace to come; you want your time for the Messiah to walk upon the earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 19 and 21-22.]

And we say unto you, within the next few years the deciding factors shall happen, total and complete. And when we say this we say it in this manner. If the people of your Earth cannot accept and be ready for the gift of God in the form of a Messiah, [then] the Lord shall sweep it from the womb and take it back.

And we say unto you, how can this happen? It’s very simple. If the Lord sees that this child will not be received, then all that is before you shall never be. Your civilization shall crumble, and you shall crawl one day out of your caves once again, thinking thoughts, and creating and being created. I want you to take into your own minds this thought, how long has it taken man to crawl from the caves this time, without the peace upon your Earth, and all things have been placed at hand. The first time in your world’s history, the powers that be could bring peace unto the Earth.

But it is not just a nation that must find [the] peace, it is the people within the nation. In your nation, you call it your States [United States], and from the states, you call it your counties, and your cities. But [what] it really amounts to is the individual, the person, the single soul, the single spirit, the single immortal body, the body of the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We say unto you, the first place to build is within yourselves...."

"Know this, the Eagle flies free. And as the Eagle shall take wings, so shall come the times of both the Anti-Christ and the Christ. Know this, today upon the Earth the nation that is known by the Eagle has spread its wings to cover Israel, and some of you wonder why this strange thing has happened. But was it not prophesied? Did it not be written for you?

"Know this, those of the Palestinians and their leaders, there are those within the Palestinians who only want peace and want a righteous path, but there are those within it who will destroy all things that you have, who’ll destroy your religions, who’ll destroy your right to believe in God in your own way. We say to you, and if they are left unchecked, within time they will make war upon you, upon all the nations. The Eagle has done the only thing that it could do.

"You will wonder, why? We say unto you, this is the reason why − you have seen prophecy in motion...."

Today, Shiites and Sunni Islamists battle over control the Middle East in a worldwide Caliphate. And the U.S., Russia and China covertly struggle for oil and resources during the Cold War fought by proxy armies. Many pray it will not become a "hot war" and enflame the world. One cannot but wonder about the armies amassing, Biblical prophecies, and how Israel will fare (if it is as prophesied, where the Messiah will first appear).

The spiritual messengers of God warned: "What we have come for is important. What we will tell you will be important to you, all of you, and unto the multitudes…."

“This is an urgent time. I would suggest that you listen to the words within this very carefully because the message is not a slight one.

"Now we say unto you, peace be with you, and peace be with your world, for now is the time of the cherubim and the sixth angel walks upon your earth."

We need to listen carefully to this message.

It is part of a bigger picture that we have been seeing unfold, about which we should pray. See “Prepare for the time of the great famine” — the first warning, on U.S. Mideast involvement," https://medium.com/prepare-for-the-time-of-the-great-famine/prepare-for-the-time-of-the-great-famine-the-first-warning-of-u-s-mideast-involvement-4e5ff4f8dff5. Also see others at https://medium.com/prepare-for-the-time-of-the-great-famine.

Read "Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'" – https://medium.com/now-you-ask-what-is-the-great-sword-that-cuts-two.

Are we being shown part of the Anti-Christ's plan to rule our world and stop the reign of the Messiah in the promised thousand years of peace?

No, this message is not a slight one.

Would you like to join the spiritual messengers of God in the association they created? See https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup. Click "Learn more." Email [email protected].

See https://tinyurl.com/Aka-Books

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