BREAKING-59+ people dead from cardiac arrest at S.Korean 🎃 Festival / ritual / Worse / GRAPHIC VID / READ👇
274 views • 10/31/2022

Brandon cory Nagley

Oct 29, 2022

BREAKING NEWS-59+ people Drop dead at the same time from cardiac arrest+159 Hurt at south Korean Halloween Festival ( Mainstream media says a stampede? I'M NOT BUYING THE NARRATIVE!!!) - Was it a Dark Ritual? Gvt test? VC91+G5????/READ BELOW.Today is now 10/29/22. BREAKING NEWS out of South korea. 59 plus people all dropped dead from cardiac arrests ( at the same time ) during a Halloween parade/festival. The original article and news story coming out is that this was from a quote " stampede". I'm not buying that at all. Yes too many people were jam packed into this right little area for a festival though to me personally I feel there's alot more to it to much. And in truth it looks like a Halloween ( satanic ritual ) that just occured yet sadly people continue celebrating Halloween not knowing that Halloween is a high luciferian ( true Satanists ) ritual day to where they kill and sacrifice kids globally. This is a well known fact. Sure years ago I had fun trick or treating though in reality it's paying homage to Satan ( Lucifer ) and to the dark demonic realm. And as someone who has been physically attacked by real demons multiple times in the past and have gone through very real experiences I can say the reality of the other side of the demonic dark realm is a horrible reality that people are going around parading in openly glorifying evil which is sad to me.... Especially if you're a believer in christ. Jesus said you can live for and in the world. Though if love the things of the world and the false god ( Lucifer ) of this world then the love of the father God isn't in you. Right now people got decisions who they will serve. God or Satan. Bob Dylan sang in his lyrics... ( you gotta serve somebody, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord but you're gonna have to serve somebody ). Sadly those lyrics are truth yet sang by a man who sold out himself long ago .... My deepest condolences to families who lost loved ones. Though yes personally I feel something strange went on here and sadly as usual the news will give the mainatream version that's nothing more than bologna. Here's what the news article from Reuters reads as below-

(Reuters article- SEOUL, Oct 30 (Reuters) - At least 59 people were killed and 150 injured in a stampede after a crowd poured into a central district of the South Korean capital Seoul for Halloween festivities on Saturday night, a fire official said. The incident took place at about 10:20 p.m. (1320 GMT). A large number of people fell down in a narrow alley during the Halloween events, Choi Sung-beom, head of the Yongsan Fire Station, said. The number of casualties could rise as the rescue effort was still under way.).. End of Reuters news article- Time is short. Please come to christ as lord before late. Our time frame window is closing and that's no understatement. If you love someone then show them your love. Don't just say it by words that mean nothing. If gotta get things right with God do it now while you can. If have to forgive others then NOW is the time to do it. Jesus made it clear if you can't forgive then God won't forgive you. Life is love and forgiving. Because God is light. Love and forgiveness..... That's my message to you all. Newcomers, Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven ( John 14;6) and the only way to escape the judgement coming( REVELATION 3:10/ REVELATION 12:5/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4/ 1 CORINTHIANS 15/ john 14:3- bible references.) Pray if you have not accepted Jesus (yeshua) as Lord read BELOW my video in my pinned comments section with the main notes.

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