463 views • 09/19/2022

Brandon cory Nagley

Sep 18, 2022 Today is now 9/18/22. i am showing as always the signs in the heavens that Jesus christ (known as yeshua in Hebrew, and called by many different names) warned to be seen before his second coming.Those signs specifically from the (planet x/ nemesis/ nibiru/ Biblical wormwood of Revelation 8/ red dragon (being planet x of Revelation 12) what NASA calls the planet 9 system evidence. This videos highlights: Breaking news coming out of taiwan. A large 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit 96 km East of Yujing, Taiwan.... Within the last 5-6 days there's been multiple large 6.0-7.7 size quakes that have been rocking the southeast Asian regions near taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan and China along with other places.. Earth is getting hit majorly with pure cosmic radiation and energy coming from planet x system bodies with a neutron star behind earth as well as solar energy and radiation and what insider mike from around the world warned would come years ago on pastor Paul Begley youtube channel about what Paul had named the (5 waves of energy) though mike originally only thought there were 5 cosmic waves of radiation that were coming from a gamma ray burst or simple terms (a star that exploded thousands of years ago ) and it's energy waves started hitting earth years back a little after mike warned of what he called (red band waves) of cosmic Radiation and energy I believe is coming from the suns direction... The day La Palma volcano erupted over about a year plus ago well a red band wave of energy side slapped earth that day and world governments are concerned what these waves of cosmic Radiation will do to earth... So we got different types of energy and radiation not only soaking in earth's core pushing magma/lava/waters and gasses to earth surface which causes more massive quakes and more volcanic eruptions as is occurring now badly GLOBALLY. As fits bible prophecy as well that states in the end times ( now) hell will enlarge itself.... And as said not only is it all affecting earth but to all humans are being radiated and getting sick globally from the radiation coming in...just as animals are off due to earth being in a partial wobble and the moon's off 180 degrees from the planet x system affecting earth but to because this energy hitting earth is causing severe changes in your pets and animals globally... Also you'll see a massive either a planet x system body that's large on NASAs stereo ahead footage in timelapse mode or its one of the 2 large planet bodies that came in with the planet x system that insider mike from around the world told pastor Paul about over a week or so ago. You'll see other actual planet x system bodies that's passed by the sun within the last week... Horrible heart Breaking news coming from India as 57,000 cattle died so far from from what Indian officials are calling (Lumpy skin disease) in India.. Though I'm not buying these cattle just got sick out of nowhere as I'll keep my opinion to myself on this though all I'll say is Mr Gates just spoke in an interview about how he's going around giving cattle and other animals (medicine) I'll leave the real word out that he mentioned though yes since Bill G's interview now thousands of dead cattle in a place that's already struggling food wise. Yes lots of animals+fish globally are dying from planet x system effects. Others are dying from not so good reasons connected to mankind. I'll say that... You'll see also 2 suns by skywatcher mark alsop over the UK. It's not planet x as planet x is coming up from the southern hemisphere so could be our real sun near the fake solar simulator that's used to obscure px system bodies or an object. Newcomers, Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven ( John 14;6) and the only way to escape the judgement coming( REVELATION 3:10/ REVELATION 12:5/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4/ 1 CORINTHIANS 15/ john 14:3- bible references.) Pray if you have not accepted Jesus (yeshua) as Lord read BELOW my video in my pinned comments section with the main notes.

Audio in this video is from the audio bible, as I chose john chapter 3, John 14, and Romans 10

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Mark alsop/2 suns over the Uk-

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