Infused By The Holy Spirit
119 views • 06/04/2022
Infused By The Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and kindle in them the fire of your love.

What is your gift as a Catholic Man that brings joy to others?

On this day we again place ourselves in the hands of the Holy Spirit with complete confidence. He should be the soul of our souls; He should reign in us, amid the ruins of our own fallen nature. Pentecost is a day of petition, a day on which we should implore the Holy Spirit for a full measure of His graces and gifts. With the Church we pray:

Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come,
And from Thy celestial home
Send Thy light and brilliancy.

Come, Thou father of the poor,
Come, Thou source of gifts secure,
Come, our hearts, true radiancy.

Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, the soul's most welcome guest,
Sweet refreshment constantly.

In our labor, rest most sweet,
Grateful coolness in the heat,
Solace in adversity.

O Thou light most pure and blest,
Shine within the inmost breast
Of Thy faithful company.

Lacking Thy divinity
Nothing good in man can be,
Nothing but iniquity.

What is sordid, make Thou pure,
What is wounded, do Thou cure,
Slake now our aridity.

What is rigid, gently bend;
What is frigid, warmly tend,
Strengthen what goes erringly.

Fill Thy faithful who confide
In Thy power to guard and guide,
With Thy sevenfold mystery.

Give them virtue's sure reward,
Give them Thy salvation, Lord,
Give eternal felicity. Amen.

—Benedict Bauer, O.S.B, from The Light of the World, Vol II, Pentecost

Pope Francis' Pentecost Homily "...let us sit at the school of the Holy Spirit, so that he can teach us all things. Let us invoke him each day..."

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The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland fosters local Catholic Men in personal holiness, to make Jesus Christ the center of our daily lives.
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