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Honesty --

How would you feel if when going to confession your priest was not being fully honest with you or tell you what you want to hear, or not give you the full penance, because he didn't want to hurt your feelings?

If you are a father, have you not been honest or shared half truths with your kids. Has your father done this with you.

Or, looking at it another way, have you ever been put in situations where people turned to you because you speak the truth?

I remember when I was in leadership with a business organization and held accountable two board members, who later turned the board against me to eliminate my position. I walked out with a clear conscience.

I also was on a business trip where there was some questionable activity with some people, and the investigators turned to question me because they knew it would be the truth.

All the jobs I have held, left, or lost, was about integrity.

In the Catholic Catechism (CCC) section three about the 8th commandment, it says to put away falsehoods ... about how a lie is to speak against the truth to lead someone into error or deceiving.

The CCC begins its section on lying by quoting St. Augustine, “A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving” (2482). The catechism says, “To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone into error” (2484).

So, by stating a partial truth and withholding the rest of the truth, do we act against the truth?

"Therefore, putting away falsehood, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, for we are members one of another. " ~ Eph. 4:25

Truth. Honesty. Ethics. Integrity. ... all overlap. Look their definitions up online or in the catechism.


The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland fosters local Catholic Men in personal holiness, to make Jesus Christ the center of our daily lives.
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