ARDIS: 500 Toxic ADDITIVES allowed in Cigs by FDA. Nicotine Cures Snake Bite. Nicotine is a nutrient found in our Veggies. Why Did FDA demonize Nicotine?
938 views • 9 months ago

Why did the FDA-NWO BugEating OverLords demonize nicotine?  "Native Americans used organic tobacco to cure their animals and themselves from snake bites [Venom] for centuries."

The NWO OverLords purposefully released a nicotine targeting bioWeapon.  Once you know the Venom-Covid-Vax-Nicotine connection, you know why the FDA-NWO had demonized nicotine for the last 30 years.  Nicotine is the Antidote to the C19 neuroBioWeapon.

"People can cure their Parkinsons' by eating nicotine rich plants...Why the [1994] effort to lie about nicotine?...In April of 2020, 26 years later, is a pandemic called Covid. And in order to make sure enough adults in America got sick from covid, they convinced you that tobacco products were dangerous, addictive and caused cancer.... The TRUTH is that nicotine was always the antidote to their [NWO] bioweapon they called covid. This [nicotine truth] was published in April of 2020, just 4 months into the plandemic...Scientists in France who did DNA testing of the virus and the spike protein they called covid, they published the DNA results that the spike identical to 2 snake venoms. And this explains, they said, why smokers don't get covid. Because these 2 venom proteins only target nicotine receptors that control your breathing in your brain stem...your diaphram's ability to breathe and draw in air...slower heart rates and it mimics respiratory virus symptoms, cough, fever..." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis

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Note: We do not recommend smoking, as the pyrazine ADDITIVES are addictive. Cigarrettes are full of toxic additives. Go organic. The arsenic additives are toxic. Also the sugar additives feed cancer. Nicotine is a naturally occurring, beneficial nutrient in eggplant, tomato, potato and many other vegetables.

FULL SHOW The Shocking Truth About Nicotine and Its Bizarre NWO Connection w/ Dr. Ardis

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