Big 4 VENOM TECH industries: Your meds, vax, cosmetics, insecticides? $billions. 2 min InfoTalk. Dr. Bryan Ardis
2364 views • 12 months ago

Top-level bugEatingDracos covering the earth in venom technology?  $ynthetic venom pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agricultural herbicides and pesticides full of lab-synthesized venom$. This is a billion dollar industry.

"...These are the four [4] major industrie$$$ [for venom tech]. 1.) Drug manufacturing with venoms [including blood pressure meds]. 2.) Vaccines. All vaccines, all viruses are going to be made from venoms of all creatures. They are already patented to do that. 3.) Number three is the cosmetic industry. They have venom in lotions, creams, you name it, all kinds of stuff. Analgesics, pain-relief creams...lip gels, lip sticks...anti-aging creams galore, anti-wrinkle creams, it is a major business."

"4.) The fourth industry, which is the largest is the manufacturing of insecticides made from snake venom, scorpion venom, wasp venom and spider venoms, world wide. And guess who owns the majority of all the PATENTS of venom-based insecticides, enough venom, they are manufacturing, to spray out of crop dusters on 90% of all farms in the world? Right now? Monsanto [Bayer]. [TheExtraTerritorialNaziInternational]. Monsanto also makes glyphosate [Roundup]. If you actually study the mechanism of glyphosate, its action on human cells to cause disease. Every single one of it's mechanisms of action is identical to every published mechanism of injury of venoms in the human body...."

"What's going to happen when the venom [insecticide] now has water irrigated on it to put the venom in the ground? It gets absorbed up into your plants and you eat it...Where is the venom going to go when they irrigate the farm or it rains, it is going to go into the water table [ground water]...." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis

FULL SHOW. SonsOfLibertyRadioLive

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Venom Tech Research Studies DEEP DIVE with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Healing for the A.G.E.S.

Episode 08.28.2023 - Venom Industrial Complex: Weaponizing Venoms. Includes Transcript

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