(12) How We Got Here - Sow Chaos..Make Trump A One And Done
20 views • 03/14/2021
Do you really think that Antifa and Black Lives Matter are random events? The CoVid 19 virus could not be more tailor-made to disrupt America. Is it a coincidence that it first landed in America the day the Ukraine impeachment fiasco ended? It disproportionately affects citizens with underlying conditions spurred by obesity. Coincidence or conspiracy theory? Perhaps we'll never know. One thing is for sure, it was hard to decipher what was real science vs 'Orange Man Bad' narratives. Blue states shut down bars and restaurants yet you could fly on a crowded commercial flight. The virus was most devastating on the elderly yet NY Governor Cuomo and MI Governor Whitmire moved CoVid patients into nursing homes full of vulnerable elderly patients. No one seemed to cover this fact UNTIL after Trump was out of office.

Who knows the answer to these and other chaos-wielding events. What is certain is that the economy was strong and Trump looked like a shoo-in for reelection in 2020. It's almost as if all the media, Democrats, Hollywood stars, government-funded scientists, and the entire Blue Church went into action to make sure Trump didn't make it past the 2020 election.

This episode is the 12th in a continuing series on how we got here as a country.
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