(7) How We Got Here - Trump Enters The Stage
270 views • 03/09/2021
We knew of Donald Trump from his TV show and his lifestyle. He is a brash billionaire that knows how to gain attention.

The media ratings went through the roof whenever Trump was being Trump. He ran the table in the Republican Primary because he knew how to pull all the oxygen out of the air. He's been in front of the camera for almost 20 years, coming into our living rooms and telling America, "You're Fired!".

Trump ran on a populist message which defined the elites, the left coast, the professors, the technocrats, the globalist, the warmongers as the outsiders taking advantage of middle Americans.

His message landed home in traditionally blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The Democratic party has abandoned their traditional voting blocks and resorted to race baiting, division politics and working the ballot box.

Trump saw a gap in his path to the Presidency and drove a big fat Trump train through it. The pundit class didn't see it coming, the Hillary team didn't see it coming, the Deep State didn't see it coming and just like the wave that took out the Tea Party in 2010, the Cathederal would through everything they could at making sure Trump was a one-term President.
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