(6) How We Got Here - Propaganda Everywhere...but WHY?
290 views • 03/08/2021
This is Episode 6 in a series. Check out prior episodes for the full story.
Now that we've set up the battle for the airwaves and social media screens, we have to more clearly define a spun story when we see it and start to ask 'who benefits?' from keeping up certain narratives.

Once you make the leap that we are in the middle of an information battle for the narrative of America, you can start seeing a spun story from a mile away.

This clip digs into propaganda from the 1930's Germany on to today.

The problem going forward is that we all know Trump was flawed. We all know he stood up to the status quo of power brokers and money changer in DC. We also all know that the deep state threw everything and the kitchen sink at his administration to make sure he got ran out of town on rails.

Heaven forbid ANYONE stands up and challenges The Cathederal (Blue Anon) in the future. Take your shot and get in line.
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